Exploring science is typically characterized by a lot of puzzles, frustrations or even failures. This weblog is mainly intended to record my working, thinking and knowledge acquisitions. I expect that some reflection would refresh my mind from time to time, and motivate me to move further, and hopefully give me a better view about even changing the landscape of bioinformatics. You are welcome to leave some comments, good or bad, but hopefully something constructive. Enjoy your surfing!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010
A new proof of Darwinian Evolution
Motivation: The article presents results of the listing of the quantity of amino acids, dipeptides and tripeptides for all proteins available in the UNIPROT–TREMBL database and the listing for selected species and enzymes. UNIPROT–TREMBL contains protein sequences associated with computationally generated annotations and large-scale functional characterization. Due to the distinct metabolic pathways of amino acid syntheses and their physicochemical properties, the quantities of subpeptides in proteins vary. We have proved that the distribution of amino acids, dipeptides and tripeptides is statistical which confirms that the evolutionary biodiversity development model is subject to the theory of independent events. It seems interesting that certain short peptide combinations occur relatively rarely or even not at all. First, it confirms the Darwinian theory of evolution and second, it opens up opportunities for designing pharmaceuticals among rarely represented short peptide combinations. Furthermore, an innovative approach to the mass analysis of bioinformatic data is presented.
read the full article.
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